If you would like to remember a loved one, or pay tribute to someone special, consider making a tax-deductible contribution to Friends of the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. A contribution of any size makes a tremendous difference. Contributions will be recognized in Friends of the Zoo's annual report under the name of your honoree. Please include a note indicating how your contribution should be recognized and to whom an acknowledgement should be sent.
Mail your tribute/memorial contribution payable to:
Friends of the Rosamond Gifford Zoo
Attn: Development Department
1 Conservation Place
Syracuse, NY 13204
Or call (315) 435-8511 x8518 to make a contribution by credit card over the phone.
Tree of Life.
Contributions to the Tree of Life benefit the horticulture fund. Donors are acknowledged on a golden leaf on the Tree of Life located in the zoo's main lobby. Your donation to our horticulture fund will enable us to continue providing more naturalistic habitats for the animals. The fund also allows us to beautify the public areas of the zoo with flowering plants and trees, attracting native wildlife and ultimately enhancing our visitors' experience. For $500, a golden leaf in your name, or in tribute or memory of someone of your choosing, will be displayed in recognition of your support.
For more information on Tributes and Memorials
please contact our development department at (315) 435-8511 x8526.